A funny thing happened here a couple of months back. After the first big flood at the lodge all the wildlife along the creek disappeared. The fish were gone. Freddy the freshie was gone. As was Terry the turtle. And Wally the water monitor was nowhere to be seen. And even the Northern Fantails and the Azure Kingfisher disappeared. All my little buddies were gone. I was so disappointed. I suspected they had been relocated against their will and now lived elsewhere on the creek. And then slowly but slowly they started to reappear. About a month later the croc showed up next to the tent. The water monitor appeared next to the bridge. And then the turtle, and the fish, and the Fantails. And finally this morning, for the first time in a few months, the Kingfisher made an appearance and perched on a branch right next to me while I was enjoying my morning coffee. We tend to read into things and we see signs when we need to see signs but it was a nice reminder that given a little time things will slowly come back to normal and the natural rhythm of things will return.
