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Mid-life Crisis....

You know you're a wannabe hippy when the first book on your Wet season reading list is The Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruiz. This in my second time reading it in the last month. Nothing like a good self-help book to make you realise just how fu%ked up you are, thanks Katty. Just what the doctor ordered - a mid-life crisis in the middle of nowhere! :)

All joking aside, this one has opened my eyes and put a lot of things in perspective. He talks a lot about how many of the decisions we make in life - and many of our day-to-day emotions and reactions - can be driven by an underlying fear, whether we are aware of it or not; the fear of failure, the fear of being judged, the fear of being rejected, the fear of not being good enough. The book is a call to action about living a life motivated by love, not fear - and giving love to others. Ultimately it's also about accepting ourselves - warts and all - and knowing that we are everything we need to be. It's a nice sentiment.


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