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Happy Easter...
Happy Easter everybody. Hope this finds you well, staying safe and grateful for all the little things. Common Crow Butterfly (Euploea core)
Apr 11, 2020

45km Fun Run Complete...
Early last year I decided I wanted to run a marathon. This would be my second marathon, after running Sydney back in 2011. I expected to...
Apr 11, 2020

Green Tree Ants...
I don't think the green tree ants got the memo about self-isolation. They busy themselves for most of the day foraging for food which...
Apr 10, 2020

Simple Pleasures...
A friend asked me a few days ago what I'll remember most about the last 5 months. The big storms, the waterfalls and the wildlife have...
Apr 9, 2020

New Experiences...
"The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences." ~ Christopher McCandless, Into The Wild. In the couple of weeks before the...
Apr 8, 2020

Mitchell Sunset...
One of the luxuries of having 5 months to photograph a place is being able to go back and refine previous shots but under different...
Apr 7, 2020

Smartphone Kimberley Wallpapers...
If you're stuck at home self-isolating and not getting your daily dose of nature here's 15 smartphone wallpapers to help you feel a...
Apr 6, 2020

The Silver Lining...
This photo reminded me of an old poem my mate Ben gave me back in my 20s. I used to carry it in my wallet, and I'd read it together with...
Apr 6, 2020

Room With A View...
This is the view I woke up to from the comfort of my makeshift swag in the dirt. I took a moment to enjoy it and then rolled over and...
Apr 5, 2020

Training Complete...
With a 35km run in the bag training is now officially complete. Hopefully the next time I mention running the 45km fun run will be done...
Apr 5, 2020

One Rum Too Many...
I wrote this last week after a couple of rums, in the midst of a pretty shit week, and what Jon Krakauer describes in his book, ‘Into The...
Apr 4, 2020

Metallic Snaked-eyed Skink | Pt II...
Every time I come across a lizard, a snake, or a beautiful bird it tends to stop me in my tracks and makes me smile. The encounters are...
Apr 3, 2020

Here's to the things we've lost, all the things we've still got, and the good things we'll find on the other side. Little Mertens at last...
Apr 2, 2020

March Round-up...
They say the presence of dragonflies in the Kimberley marks the changing of the seasons and there's a real sense the Wet season is...
Apr 1, 2020

Soul Food...
Sunset and last light on the King Edward River/Munurru.
Mar 31, 2020

A little bit of heaven...
There’s been a few times in my life when I just needed to get away, to go sit by a river for a couple of days and press the reset button....
Mar 30, 2020

The wonders of nature...
Being grateful for the little things at the moment.
Mar 28, 2020

COVID-19 & The Kimberley...
I don't see any need to offer a running commentary on the current crisis. There's plenty of good information out there and I suspect many...
Mar 26, 2020

Weathering the storm...
Order amongst the chaos.
Mar 26, 2020

Uncertain times...
It rained today. The first sweet cleansing raining in 11 days. I needed it in more ways than one. It's been one hell of a week! About a...
Mar 25, 2020
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