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The story of the Wet season...
As a tour guide and photographer I’ve always enjoyed trying to tell the story of the Kimberley in a way that is interesting and...
Apr 30, 2020

Chaos & Order...
I think there's a perception sometimes that as photographers we can get so caught up in the capturing the moment that we end up missing...
Apr 25, 2020

"Son, what the hell are you running from?"
I can't decide if five and a half months of relative isolation and looking closely at your sense of self is a dangerous game or something...
Apr 17, 2020

April 15th...
April 15th was supposed to be the day I packed up the car and said farewell to the Mitchell Plateau. I had given myself a week to drive...
Apr 15, 2020

New Experiences...
"The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences." ~ Christopher McCandless, Into The Wild. In the couple of weeks before the...
Apr 8, 2020

The Silver Lining...
This photo reminded me of an old poem my mate Ben gave me back in my 20s. I used to carry it in my wallet, and I'd read it together with...
Apr 6, 2020

One Rum Too Many...
I wrote this last week after a couple of rums, in the midst of a pretty shit week, and what Jon Krakauer describes in his book, ‘Into The...
Apr 4, 2020

A little bit of heaven...
There’s been a few times in my life when I just needed to get away, to go sit by a river for a couple of days and press the reset button....
Mar 30, 2020

Uncertain times...
It rained today. The first sweet cleansing raining in 11 days. I needed it in more ways than one. It's been one hell of a week! About a...
Mar 25, 2020

After the storm...
A funny thing happened here a couple of months back. After the first big flood at the lodge all the wildlife along the creek disappeared....
Mar 23, 2020

It's seems quite fitting that my morning meditations this week are all about acceptance and somehow learning not to resist the things we...
Mar 22, 2020

A little less obvious...
Back when I was photographing architecture and mucking around with street photography in Belfast and Melbourne I used to be quite...
Mar 16, 2020

Taking it slow...
4 months on the Mitchell Plateau and I feel like I have mastered the art of taking it slow. Slow morning coffees, gentle meditation and...
Mar 12, 2020

ABC Kimberley Radio Interview...
I'm usually quite happy hiding behind the photos and letting the images speak for themselves. In fact, that's my general approach to life...
Mar 6, 2020

I've got this theory that 'home' is the place where you can stumble around in the dark after 2 or 3 beers and not stub your toe on the...
Feb 24, 2020

Dear Michelle...
I reconnected with a childhood friend on Facebook 4 or 5 months back. She was my first ever girlfriend, in fact. We haven't seen each...
Feb 16, 2020

Making The Effort...
Big Mertens from above. Roughly an 80m drop. The Mitchell Plateau certainly gives me lots to work with as a photographer, there's no...
Feb 12, 2020

The Fools Who Dream...
So bring on the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters and poets and plays. And here’s to the fools who dream, crazy as they may...
Feb 10, 2020

The land than time forgot...
The North Kimberley. The land that time forgot. “We all come to our own learning in our own time”. A older lady on one of my tours told...
Jan 20, 2020

These are the moments...
Punamii-Uunpuu/Mitchell Falls. The spiritual home of the Wanambal people and the resting place of the ancestral rainbow serpent. People...
Jan 14, 2020
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