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Jan 4, 2020
Splendid Free Frog...
A Splendid Tree Frog, also known as a Magnificent Tree Frog (Ranoidea splendida). Only found on the north-western coast of Australia.
Jan 3, 2020
Weekend treasure hunt...
Every weekend is a treasure hunt. After working Mon - Fri at the lodge I make sure to get out on the weekend, go for a walk and spend a...
Jan 3, 2020
Mud Wasp Pt II
So Maureen the Mud Wasp came back and built a new - and different - nest. Elsewhere in Australia Mud Wasps are known as Potter Wasps. You...
Dec 29, 2019
Baby Nora...
If all the beasts were gone, man would die from great loneliness of spirit, For whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man All...
Dec 21, 2019
Big announcement...
Yep, the population of Camp Creek has officially increased by 1 this week! Let me introduce Nora, the baby Northern Fantail. Mother and...
Dec 18, 2019
Here be Dragons...
This little guy was hunkering down for a good night's sleep when I stumbled across him. He wasn't terribly well hidden on this barren...
Dec 13, 2019
Huntsman Spider...
Yep, he looks a little intimidating from this angle but thankfully he's completely harmless - this is Harry the Huntsman. Check out...
Dec 9, 2019
Long-footed Frog...
Yep, more poking around after dark. Check out this little beauty! Also perfectly camouflaged amongst the leaf litter. Long-footed Frog...
Nov 27, 2019
You never know what you'll find after dark. This little guy is a Wolf Spider - completely harmless they tell me. When you go spotlighting...
Nov 23, 2019
Giant Frog
Giant Frog (Cyclorana australis).
Nov 22, 2019
A Time of Anticipation...
The country’s dry at the moment; except for a few isolated showers it hasn't rained properly for months. And yet everywhere you look...
Nov 19, 2019
Mud Wasp
It's not pretty in a conventional sense but how amazing is this Mud wasp... I’ve seen the nests all over the Kimberley but never watched...
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