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Apr 11, 2020
Happy Easter...
Happy Easter everybody. Hope this finds you well, staying safe and grateful for all the little things. Common Crow Butterfly (Euploea core)

Apr 10, 2020
Green Tree Ants...
I don't think the green tree ants got the memo about self-isolation. They busy themselves for most of the day foraging for food which...

Mar 28, 2020
The wonders of nature...
Being grateful for the little things at the moment.

Feb 17, 2020
Processionary Caterpillars...
Processionary caterpillars (Ochrogaster lunifer). You can see their unusual nest in the last 2 photos. Found throughout coastal and...

Feb 2, 2020
Hawk Moth Caterpillar...
Another alien invader. A Hawk Moth Caterpillar. I grew quite attached to this little guy after hanging out together for 5 or 10 minutes....

Jan 3, 2020
Weekend treasure hunt...
Every weekend is a treasure hunt. After working Mon - Fri at the lodge I make sure to get out on the weekend, go for a walk and spend a...

Jan 3, 2020
Mud Wasp Pt II
So Maureen the Mud Wasp came back and built a new - and different - nest. Elsewhere in Australia Mud Wasps are known as Potter Wasps. You...

Dec 4, 2019
Flying Termites.....
We got our first big storm a couple of nights ago with 48mm of rain falling in a couple of hours. That's more rain in 2 hours than all of...

Nov 19, 2019
Mud Wasp
It's not pretty in a conventional sense but how amazing is this Mud wasp... I’ve seen the nests all over the Kimberley but never watched...
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